Perhaps it is because the wind can be my nemesis or my
friend when I am kayaking I am ever aware of the wind. Wind is uncontainable and follows no one’s
rules…..admirable characteristics to my way of thinking. So, I
am perplexed with the magnitude, grandeur and grace of the wind turbine. There are three that I acknowledge on my
daily journeys; the newest are Chinese in design and tapered and exquisite in
form. I’ve been inquiring about the
opportunity to experience viewing the world from the top of one. Imagine being 400 feet in the air with a 200
foot propeller rotating next to you! Imagine the view! Imagine the experience if it were especially
windy! Many questions come to mind. How long does it take to climb that far? Another question has come to me
recently: What happens if a wind turbine
is hit by a tornado……it can’t be good……

I am mesmerized by these behemothic, yet elegant structures.