Sunday, April 26, 2009


The Last Concert. Twenty one years of music lessons, practice, rehearsals, formal attire, back-stage dilemmas, bands, dances, performances........and concerts. The music doesn't end here, of course (Ben, this includes you too). The Audinot, Roth, and Zeta, as well as the other instruments will not lie dormant, and your voices will continue to offer song to the heavens.......but it is the end of an era....
Thank you for embracing my passions. It's been an awesome journey.


Ben Erbes said...

sounds good...good thoughts... there will be more concerts... maybe jen and i will drop out of school and start a traveling couples celtic tribute band...

rocksandfeathers said...

More concerts - Celtic? Sounds interesting. Perhaps Luke can pick up some music next month in Dublin.....Since Dan's full-time photography now - will you need a drummer? :)